making your move

Frugal Food Choices

Food is one of the top priorities in most students’ lives. And when things get hectic, it’s a challenge to eat healthy and stay on budget. If you live on-campus and pay for a full or partial meal plan, use it. Otherwise, you’ll be paying for the same meal twice. How can you save money on food if you don’t have a campus meal plan?

  1. Plan and cook easy, affordable meals at home.
  2. Buy vending machine food, because it’s quick and easy to find.
  3. Order take-out from the local pizza parlor.

“A” is correct. Home cooking and “brown bag” lunches help you eat better and control spending. Cook meals in quantity and freeze them for when things get crazy or share the food budget and cooking with a reliable roommate. No time to cook? Opt for quick, nutritious food (fruit, yogurt, peanut butter). Avoid buying bottled water; bring tap water from home instead. Making coffee at home instead of buying lattes at Starbucks can save up to $280 a semester!